Project Management


In recent times more than 90% of our business has come from countries overseas from the UK. Much of this business has been from developing areas of the world, where production volumes and cost of labour often dictate less automation than we typically use in high volume businesses in developed countries.

With experience in more than 84 countries over more than 40 years we have all the skills, knowledge and international experience to look after any poultry project and ensure that the end result is perfect and fit for purpose, with solutions bespoke to your requirements.

However, our overseas work isn’t limited to poultry industry project work. A significant amount of our activities are based around helping existing poultry produces improve their business by reducing costs, expending or generally troubleshooting certain aspects of their business.

Our existing clients know we can often be "in the air and on our way" to them within only a few hours’ notice if need be.


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Special Offer to New Clients:

We are currently running a special offer to all new overseas clients.


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