Integrated Project

Broiler Production

Generally the largest investment in an integrated poultry business is in the area of Broiler production, or put another way – Broiler growing houses or sheds.

In many developing part of the world “traditional” open side and none-ventilated houses are still predominant. A farm still using this style of housing faces many daily challenges and significant additional costs compared to farmers using modern sheds. The main challenges are as follows:

  • Very poor food conversion ratio (FCR) – often higher than 2-1
  • Long growing cycle – often 45 days or more to get to 2KG live weight
  • Large spread of weights per flock
  • Relatively low stocking densities
  • High risk of serious mortality particularly towards the end of the growing cycle after heavily investing in their maintainance
  • High staffing levels and low security
  • High catching costs and poor animal welfare

State-of-the-art growing houses are vital in today’s poultry industry. Modern buildings constructed from insulated materials allow us to keep the birds in perfect conditions. Fully artificially lit houses allow us to have the birds awake and active in the (cooler) night in hot climates and sleep in the day when outside temperatures are high. Computer controlled ventilation systems ensure airflow and humidity are kept as near perfect as possible. Water and feed are continuously monitored and the control systems will let you know if there are problems – even by text if required!

The end result is significant when compared to open sided houses or other “low cost” alternatives.

  • Fabulous FCR – can be 1.6-1 or better. At least a 20% cost reduction in feed.
  • Short growing cycle – as short as 34 days to 2.0kg live weight. Giving more cycles per shed each year.
  • Narrow spread of weights enabling better planning at the abattoir.
  • Very low mortality, which is primarily at the beginning of the cycle, they haven’t consumed much feed.
  • Very low staffing levels and higher security.
  • Low catching costs with high animal welfare systems ensuring better quality and low DOA’s at the factory

A modern growing shed can be 120m x 16m and on its own is a significant capital cost, however the benefits and cost savings they bring to poultry agriculture mean they pay for themselves in a hand full of years.

As part of an integrated project our broiler growing specialists will ensure that you have the very best and most cost effective solutions for growing broilers to give you the lowest possible agricultural cost.


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